One of the things students
look forward to most when going back to their parents’ house is a clean house
since during the nine months they are on campus most live without ever breaking
out the vacuum.
DTN Resident Manager Evan
Shelton said he has seen some pretty disgusting things when performing
apartment changeovers.
"You would think these kids do not know what Windex or a vacuum is," Shelton said.
“Some people may disagree
with me but cleaning out the showers, especially the hair balls in the drain, is
certainly the worst part for me,” Shelton said.
Shelton said, “Some people
who move out earlier in the summer leave food in the fridge which obviously
expires, that can cause for some gagging when trying to clean that out.”
Mike Vinckier, a leasing
agent at Capitol Villa in East Lansing, said, “I have not done a change-over
yet but one of the leasing agents told me their worst experience, to put it
nicely someone moved out in June and forgot to flush their toilet, they told me
the smell was literally toxic.”
“Management places pretty
high charges on how the resident leaves the unit in hopes to prevent people
making the two weeks worse than it has to be,” Vinckier said.